Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Plans and Commissions

So things are happening in life; kids are doing well, Morecambe Bay Storm's first game approaches and we're training hard. I'm starting to learn Java and starting a genuine saving plan with missus.

Yes I play with sleeves.
On the gaming front things are happening too, the other week had a session of DnD and recorded it - potentially looking to post this on youtube along with some artwork (hopefully) in the nearish future. Great fun was had and future games seem likely.

I also have undercoated the building you saw on the last post - I decided to put the gravel on before painting on this model then painting over and giving it a wash and dry brush - in hindsight I think I will leave the gravel until the end in future models. I intend to mass manufacture these with the intentions of selling them (part of saving plan).

I have got some of my models painted - some Soviet support weapons (120mm Mortars and HMGs) in 10mm, and some Prussian Seven Years War Cuirassier Regiments in 6mm. Once I've got all the cavalry painted I will post them all together as I want to do the bases all at once.

With regards to the Soviets, I don't think I'm going to be able to travel to play anytime soon so I'm looking at generating some solo play rules based on Spearkrieg - this will probably have to involve blinds, I think using a random deployment could work for 1941 on the Eastern Front with Soviet units in disorder and could explain some questionable deployments. Any thoughts - especially pertaining to support weapons would be much appreciated.

Finally, I also have plans to go through my old stuff especially my 20mm plastic Napoleonics - I have quite a lot of them - will either sell as a job lot or if anyone is interested in them painted I will do them in whatever scheme required and base for required ruleset as well.

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