Friday, 24 June 2016


First of all, I voted in. And the fact that the UK has voted to leave both angers and scares me both for my own and my kids futures. But I'm not going to discuss my reasoning here - I'll just get angrier.

So what I am going to discuss is how I'm going to react. First of all I'm going to really stop procrastinating with life, this means more, more of everything.
  1. Accountancy course - at least one evening a week spent on this (preferably more)
  2. Increased painting - well more a clear out of my models - this will mean selling most of my old stuff which I'm never going to do anything with.
  3. I have long wanted to emigrate or at least live out of the country for a year or 2. This is for me and my kids to experience the world. I've always delayed and thrown up reasons why I shouldn't - maybe finally I have something to push me.
  4. More Fitness - so American Football, taking kids for runs etc
  5. More Ink - by that I mean some ink.
In other news, does anyone have any good resources for uniform guides/recommended rulesets for 7 Years War? Got a start on a Prussian Force in 6mm for this.

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