Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Slowing Down

So people may have noticed (I hope at least regular members) that I haven't been going to Lancaster Wargames Club. Unfortunately this is down to time constraints having had another child. I have too many interests and not enough time to do them all in - Wargames, D&D nights, Boardgaming, Blogging, Football and American Football - besides of course spending time with bairns and the missus.

As such with American Football probably being my last chance to be involved in an organised sports team I feel that it must take priority whilst I'm fit, enjoying and have a chance of getting in team. (I know this might sound melodramatic at 26 but there it is).

I will continue to paint and run the odd night - may even find my way to the odd club meeting but for now unfortunately I'm not really going to be involved on any sort of regular basis. I'd love to hear from the club and what is going on and I will post my thoughts about what I'm doing - although much of my painting will be for purposes of either roleplaying games or to sell on.

And on a side note, here's a picture of me taking a catch off my face after running a Hitch route.

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