Monday, 21 January 2013

Boardgames, Club News and Modelling

Only one more week til I can get back to some serious modelling and painting. Many ideas, plans and commissions to be worked upon :)

In the meantime I've been spending my game time playing and getting new boardgames, or rather trying to - I swear the dice are trying to kill me! First of all some old school monopoly where we played that you had to go around the board before you could buy properties - I WENT TO JAIL 3 TIMES!!!

Then last week bloodbowl - I rolled nye on everything below average - I mean don't get me wrong I made a horrific blunder early doors and my opponent wasn't overly lucky - until the required 6 for the interception at the end of course.

Rant over, I've now gone and purchased Arkham Horror. Really looking forward to bringing a co-op game to the Cow-Barn (our current gaming HQ :p) so I can kill everyone else with my dice, not just myself. So look out for a review of this in the near(ish) future.

The club website really seems to have started to take off with a horde of reports and TOEs from my friend AE. Loads of detail and the TOEs can be really easily converted for use in other rule sets.

Lastly, the future. As previously mentioned I have a lot of models to paint up; some for me, some to sell and some so I can dispose of on ebay. I also have continued my thinking aka Dragons - gonna buy some putty and maybe modify some existing models (beyond all recognition of course) into some basic shapes.

As per usual any comments would be appreciated - either to keep me on track or indeed to try something different - more picatures will follow once I've unpacked.

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