Tuesday, 27 April 2021

A General Malaise

 So I'm sure everyone is getting tired of this lockdown malarkey. I sure am, I've had spurts of energy but with no definitive end point to aim for is hard to complete or even work on projects which you are not sure when you are going to be able to play them.

As such has anyone got any ideas to keep myself going?

I currently have a Rohan (Riders of Eomer) army, some 6mm Israelis and a D&D campaign I'm putting together including a few dark age buildings. Just need to put a plan in to finish them all.     


Tuesday, 12 January 2021


So 2020 came and went. Trapped in a house with 2 kids and a house which needed a lot of work lead to surprisingly little painting.

This year though I'm going to record everything I complete. So first up here's some buildings I've completed. 

They are 28mm mdf from Sarissa and will be used for LOTR, D&D and Frostgrave.

To mix it up I popped one on a small hill to vary the heights. 

Next some Lord of the Rings minis.

3 Buildings