Thursday, 14 November 2019

FOR SALE: Seven Years War Armies: £250 each

Seven Years War Armies: £250 each

As you may have guessed from the title this is an advert for some of my excess minis. Money is needed for the house and I haven't really had opportunity to play with these guys and don't see the opportunity moving forward.

They are 2 wargame standard painted armies in 6mm for the Seven Years War - specifically set up for recreating the battle of Lobositz. All the models are Baccus and have been based in the same format which when out together makes the units pop. The bases currently have markings for Lobositz but these are just attached by blue tac and can be easily removed.

Prussian Army

  • 10 Command Stands (2 Army, 2 Corps, 6 Division)
  • 4 Artillery Stands
  • 13 Cavalry Stands (1 Hussar, 3 Dragoon, 9 Cuirassier)
  • 11 Infantry Stands
  • 3 Grenadier Stands


Infantry (Each stands lapels etc are correct for the regiment marked)



Heavy Artillery
Austrian Army

  • 8 Command Stands (1 Army, 2 Corps, 5 Divisional)
  • 6 Skirmish Stands
  • 2 Artillery Stands
  • 12 Cavalry Stands (2 Hussar, 3 Dragoon, 7 Cuirassier)
  • 15 Infantry Stands
  • 2 Grenadier Stands
Austrian Infantry

Hungarian Infantry

Command and Artillery

Advanced Guard

If anyone takes both armies I can throw in some half finished village tiles and a set of the "Volley and Bayonet" and "Test of Honour" rulesets.

Friday, 23 August 2019

I have a computer! Well a chromebook, but it will more than do for this.

I have been wanting to post as I've actually got quite a lot of painting down since January but my phone for whatever reason wouldn't allow me to upload photos onto here so it seemed like a waste just doing very wordy posts.

You may have seen some of my posts on facebook and twitter (@EnigmaRawsy) and if not then why not. I have been painting a fair variety including a sudden surge in 10mm models - in fact the only thing really holding me back is a lack of bases!

So expect many photos to arrive soon!
10mm WW2 British Commandos

Tuesday, 8 January 2019


Its 2019 and frankly everything is all over the place so who knows whats going to happen! I am looking for work so anyone out there look me up. :) The house move is supposedly going ahead towards end of this month so thats gonna be manic, wedding in March, 30th in March and not got a computer so don't know how often I can update on here (certainly with pictures). The super secret project should soon be complete so I shall post pictures of that then.

Since this picture was taken I have added the resin but its still needs some water effects and touching up where it has leeched out at the edges. There is also trees to be added.

Few walkers out to spot trains
I also received (well ordered) for Christmas, the Cruel Seas starter set. I've painted a few boats up and I'm probably going to get a few bigger boats when finances allow. Anyone who knows where I can get waterlined or easy to waterline 1/350 scale boats would be much appreciated.

Other plans for this year are none existent as frankly I have no idea what is going to happen so don't see any point in plan making :p