Having done a few outcrops using polystyrene and filler, I thought I'd give water effects a go. I couldn't find the two tube stuff in my local pound shops so ended up going to B&Q and getting some 2 part resin by Diall. It was a bit more expensive and I wouldn't recommend it but it was ok for a one off.
You get 2 tubes (one the resin and the other the hardener) as well as a small tray and stirring stick.
I wouldn't use the tray again mind, its too shallow to be able to stir it well and I could not get rid of the air bubbles.
The test piece I made was a small pond using polystyrene as an outcrop, sticks and prodigious amounts of hot glue for the shape and then fillered. I completed the texturing completely before applying the resin.
As I mixed the resin it did produce a silvery quality which others have mentioned so I was fairly happy it had activated but the bubbles as stated would not go.
This picture makes it look worse than it is and I will add another pour to fill it a little more.
I wanted to try the resin neat to see how it would work but I will add a little nail polish remover next time to allow it to run a bit better - it took a while to find its level by which point it had dried.
Its currently at home drying so I'll update you all tonight or tomorrow morning to let you know how it goes.