I've finally got a mini for Sch'yyrk and his back story has changed a little so here it is.
Converted Mini from Frostgrave |
This was a mini I got in a Nickstarter for the Barbarians Frostgrave set - I'm regretting choosing it for this in some ways - it looks like I wanted Sch'yyrk to look except it was a woman who I've modded (with a craft knife). Now I don't care too much about that except I've got so few female minis for Frostgrave or DnD that converting one probably wasn't sensible - I'll just have to find a pack of female adventurer's online. I've also converted the (I assume) wand into a pretty vicious looking shortsword. This mini will represent Sch'yyrk out of the sun (I will be keeping my eye out for a similar model but with a heavy hood up.
The mini will have dark skin with dirty white hair, the cloak will be grey/green mottled with tan boots. A snow wolf pelt hangs around his neck.
He is now a Rogue using the Criminal background (in reality a Spy, who will evolve into an Assassin).
Sch'yyrk was brought up under the Weapon Master of a minor house, specializing in stealth and subterfuge. He always queried the way of things (for which he has received many bruises and scars) but excelled in his training.
The "Drizzt"incidents set in motion the events which have led Sch'yyrk here. Sent out to find the "traitor" and any others who have followed the same path, Sch'yyrk discovered an abandoned camp of Drow who had fled and found teachings of the goddess Eilistraee. This discovery as well as finding the surface world to be totally unlike that taught to him back in Menzoberranzan, have led him to turning his back on the teachings of the Dark Seldarine.