This is taking a while - with an hour here and an hour there though I'm getting there. I've done the other 2 artillery batteries and have added colours to another 3 Infantry Regiments. So I'm getting there and I've prepped the Austrians ready for undercoating. Also realised that I'm short 3 Infantry Regiments for the Austrians even I used all of the Hungarians (only 2 present at Lobositz) which is a bit of a pain.
13th IR, 17th IR, 20th IR |
I managed to get a decent "furl" on my colours by using Loctite and shaping whilst dried. With Lobositz being the first battle of the war I'm going to keep the colours intact rather than shredding them as I would further in or with larger models. I picked whether to chose the "Leib" or "Regimental" colour purely on which one stood out most.
6 Regiments of Infantry backed by 2 Grenadier Regiments |
I've also got the artillery done and I think it looks good - I've removed a member off one of the battalions (its not as if it looks short) to use as part of a command stand. When I do the bases on these I'll add some extra fences and things as well as wheel ruts.
Gunners! |
I thought I'd get a picture showing where I'm up to - to be honest it doesn't do justice, I've done work on most of the rest of the Prussians.
The Army so far (Kuirassiers to right, solitary unit of Hussars to rear) |
To recap I still need the following to finish up for Lobositz (besides painting what I have already):
- 1 Pack Austrian Infantry
- 1 Pack Prussian Kuirassiers
- 1 Pack Generals
- At least 2 packs of 3"x 1.5" bases (not sure how many I have left)
- 1 pack 1.5"x 1.5" bases for Grenzers
- Bases for command Stands
See how much this will cost (don't think a huge amount) after I've paid for massed family birthdays as well as mother's day (fortunately already got one of these decided upon with order sat ready to confirm on pay day!
This weekend I'm hoping to play DnD with a group I mentioned and we recorded our session (although I'm not sure who has it). We may be a member down so
Schy'yrk may get a run out after I was unable to join in that game :( as a guide? to the party.