So didn't get a huge amount done besides large quantity of texturing some bases. But did get a few reinforcements (which you've already seen WIP pictures for).
First of all the Panzers - I had 12 of these but over time - lots of moves I opened them up to find I only had 4 turrets - quick email to Leon at
Pendraken and the turrets are on their way as a separate order. But in the meanwhile I have finished these 4 - not sure about the markings but think they look ok.
Panzers! |
The wash really helps detail the tank - also helped by the high quality casting allowing for the wash to settle. The crosses were black then white to help make them jump out.
Panzer IIIE with added foliage |
I used lichen to dress the tank and this works well - just need to avoid overdoing it.
Herr Commander! |
All in all looking good - building this up based on either 17th or 18th Panzer Division eventually but depends upon what campaigns that they were involved in. My Cavalry also gained reinforcements; HMGs and Recce for the infantry and the majority of the Panzerjager Battalion.
MG42 Teams |
Sdkfz222 |
The recce needs its markings added to it but these shouldn't take long and will be on by time I repost the whole force in it.
Fear my mighty 37mm Shells |
I've got to be honest I'm not sure how I use this force against counterattacking Soviet Tank Forces. I mean T26s, BT7s yes but I've just bought a KV2 just to see how much of a monster it is and I have very little to take it out. At least with a Panzer Division you have quite a few mobile anti tank guns and can always throw in your heavy artillery. My heaviest artillery is a single unit of 10.5cm Howitzers!
I've started on my Prussians but I haven't ordered the bases yet. So I'm painting a cavalry regiment at a time (1st Hussars should be done by end of week) so I feel like I'm moving forward.