So still haven't got internet at home .... grrrr! SO still no pictures. However I'm going to try and remedy this soon. Last night 5 of us had a go at Eldritch Horror at Lancaster Wargames Club. I've played Elder Sign loads, and I own Arkham Horror (although I've still not dared to give it a go tbh) as well as a copy of the Necronomicon.
Was good - the mechanics worked really well and it was a good fun game mixed in with discussions of Frostgrave (game report in a couple of weeks). We were facing Azathoth and although we ran out of time had nearly completed 2 of the 3 challenges to defeat him. Love the condition cards - especially when I flipped an agreement condition to discover that another player was dead - no save - just dead, handily dropping all her items right next to me.
Definitely one I will consider getting myself in the future.
Next week will be another practice game of Savage Worlds and I will try to get some pictures up.